Law Enforcement Driving Course
Duration: 1 day
- This course provides officers with a thorough understanding of vehicle dynamics in multiple vehicle platforms, on various traction environments, and at both highway and pursuit speeds. Law Enforcement students learn tactical maneuvers.
- Driving emergency Response
- Rollover Extrication Trainer (RET)
- Braking Drills
- Slalom
- Multiple Avoidance Driving Drills
- Skid Control on Skid Pad
- City and Urban Congested Traffic Driving
- Unknown or uncertain “Rules of the Road”
- Driving in proximity and constant movement
- Driving Beyond Normal Limits Classroom and Practical Exercise
- High speed driving techniques
- Minimum visual distance considerations
- Intersections and Stop Signs
- Restricted Lane Concepts
- Cornering Techniques
- Setting up for the corner
- Turning and Braking entering the corner
- Getting the vehicle pointed and balanced
- Exiting the corner under control
- Evasive Actions Briefing and Practical Exercise
- Ramming through Barricades
- Reversing out
- Y Turns – Reverse 180 turn
- P I T
- Driver Down – Right Front Seat Driving Drills
Active or Reserve Law Enforcement. Must present credentials.
Gear Requirement
ANSI rated sunglasses
Rain/weather gear
Clothing appropriate for driving
The course is presented in a combination of classroom theory and practical applications.
This course does not include meals. A dining facility is available on-site and is pay as you go. The cost does not include travel to or from ACADEMI Training site. To check lodging availability and price, contact ACADEMI Lodging at 252-435-1950.
850 Puddin Ridge Road
Moyock, NC 27958

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